2023-04-132023-04-13https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/59222Most studies on gender, work and organisations did not question that gender is a property of persons and only fairly recently gender started to be conceptionalised as something people do. Those newer gender concepts can be summarised under the umbrella term ‘doing gender'. Although the notion doing gender is today widely used, there seems to be no consensus about what doing gender means and how doing gender is studied empirically. These differentiated understandings of doing gender sparked the authors' interest in exploring how doing gender is understood and used in organisational research. Is doing gender just a trendy term or does it help us to theorise gender in a new way? How similar or different are the concepts drawn upon in organisational research? How rigorous are scholars in adopting and defining the concept and to what results do these studies lead?doing genderAll said and done? On the understanding of doing genderfundamental research project