Busch, ThorstenThorstenBuschWeibel, AntoinetteAntoinetteWeibelWildhaber, IsabelleIsabelleWildhaberLeicht-Deobald, UlrichUlrichLeicht-DeobaldSchank, ChristophChristophSchankSchafheitle, Simon DanielSimon DanielSchafheitleKasper, GabrielGabrielKasper2023-04-132023-04-132017-06-22https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/102254Big data promises to improve just about every aspect of modern business life, especially in the realm of human resource management (HRM). From recruiting to promotion decisions to fraud prevention, analytics software will influence or take over many core functions of HRM over the course of the next few years. Will this development lead to fairer organizations or to corporate surveillance? Our research project will study Swiss companies in order to answer this and many other questions at the intersection of HRM, business ethics, and labor law.enbig dataanalyticshuman resource managementsurveillanceethicsbusiness ethicslabor lawBig-data driven workplace surveillance: the case of Switzerlandpresentation