Stefan LeggeRonny OberholzerJason Rosenthal2023-08-252023-08-252023-08-25 Quarterly Reports of the Swiss Trade Monitor document time trends in Switzerland's foreign goods and services trade of the most recent completed quarter. Not only are exports and imports considered in total, but these are broken down to provide a detailed analysis of the trade development with Switzerland's largest trading partners. Here are some key observations from the second edition of 2023: Due to differences it release dates, the latest Swiss trade data cover the first two quarters of 2023 for goods and the first quarter of 2023 for services. While the Q1 data are positive for goods and services, the Q2 data for goods indicate a slowdown. Among goods trade, there is a strong increase for both Italy and Slovenia while the Netherlands and the US stand out with large increases in services trade. For the first time, this report provides detailed country reports that illustrate both goods and services trade for each trading partner.en-USSwiss Trade Monitor - 2nd Quarterly Report 2023: Mixed Signalsdiscussion paper