2023-04-132023-04-13https://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/handle/20.500.14171/59201Project hosted by SIAW and FEW, University of St. Gallen financed by the Swiss National Research Found under research project No. 1214-066928. A 2 years project with final report submitted on the 30st September 2005. Participants: Michael Lechner, Christian Jaag, Christian Keuschnigg and Rosalia Vazquez-Alvarez. The project develops empirically based life cycle models that capture the effect of active labour market policies on endogenous human capital formation within a dynamic framework. The theory is empirically tested on the dynamics of labour markets in Switzerland. The project was successfully completed and working paper submitted at the given deadline. Research working paper: "Stochastic labour market shocks, labour market programmes and human capital formation: a theoretical and empirical analysis" (joint with Michael Lechner) - see working paper series below.Life-cycle modelsMicro-foundations for Human Capital formationSwitzerlandActive Labour Market Programmes in Switzerland.Education, Training and Labour Market search: Policy analysis with equilibrium models for Switzerlandapplied research project