Esquinas Rychen, Ana MariaAna MariaEsquinas Rychen2023-04-132023-04-132023-02-20 has become a goal for all systems that fulfil a social function. Within agri-food systems, wine is also experiencing a pressure towards more sustainability. Spain is one of the most relevant countries in the wine sector and has undergone a profound transformation towards a quality system based on designations of origin (DO). Taking as a case study the Protected Designations of Origin of Ribera del Duero and Rueda, I analyse the potential sustainability transition of the designation of origin, understanding the latter as a socio-technical system. The recognition of these two wine regions is based on a differentiation of their production based on quality and linked to origin and tradition. Combining the theoretical frameworks of the multilevel perspective (Transition Studies) and the Theory of Conventions I develop an innovative framework to analyse the sustainability transition of these two wine regions. Analysing the discourse of different groups of actors associated with the DO, I argue that the change towards sustainability is ongoing, but following a slow trajectory of transformation. I argue that this slow transformation is related to a lack of demand, which is quality-oriented, but still does not request the attribute of sustainability very strongly. This fact discourages the implementation of initiatives at the risk of dis-aligning supply with consumer demands. Niche innovations such as natural wine production are not yet sufficiently developed. Blockages to transition are found at the level of the Designation of Origin, which could play a larger role in sustainability.esQualitätKonventionHerkunftsbezeichnungNachhaltigkeitEDIS-5274Qualitytransiciónsistema sociotécnicosociotechnical systemcalidadmultinivelsustainabilitymultilevel perspectiveconvencionestransitionprotected Designation of OriginconventionssostenibilidadDenominación de Origen¿Una calidad sostenible? Las Denominaciones de Origen en la transición hacia la sostenibilidaddoctoral thesis