Winkler, RainerRainerWinklerBriggs, Robert OwenRobert OwenBriggsde Vreede, Gert-JanGert-Jande VreedeLeimeister, Jan MarcoJan MarcoLeimeisterOeste-Reiss, SarahSarahOeste-ReissSöllner, MatthiasMatthiasSöllner2023-04-132023-04-132020 governments and organizations recognize the potential of open innovation (OI) models to create value with large numbers of people beyond the organization. It can be challenging , however, to design an effective collaborative process for a massive group. Collaboration engineering (CE) is an approach for the design and deployment of repeatable collaborative work practices that can be executed by practitioners themselves without the ongoing support of external collaboration engineers. To manage the complexity of the design process, they use a modeling technique called facilitation process models (FPM) to capture high-level design decisions that serve different purposes, such as documenting and communicating a design, etc. FPM, however, was developed to support designs for groups of fewer than 100 people. It does not yet represent design elements that become important when designing for groups of hundreds or thousands of participants, which can be found in many OI settings. We use a design science approach to identify the limitations of the original FPM and derive requirements for extending FPM. This article contributes to the CE and to the OI literature by offering an FPM 2.0 that assists CE designers to design new OI processes, with a special focus on outside-in OI.enCollaborationCollaborative workCrowdsourcingProcess modelingModeling Support for Mass Collaboration in Open Innovation Initiatives-The Facilitation Process Model 2.0journal article