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    Solidarity as Freedom: Jürgen Habermas, Jean-Luc Nancy, and the Future(s) of the European Project.
    (SUNY Press, 2025-01-07) ;
    Tsagdis, Georgios
    Uljée, Rozemund
    Zantvoort, Bart
    The book-chapter begins with the claim "We have never been Euroepan" in order to dismantle the Habermasian European Project down to its elements and trace its limitations back to what I call Habermas's "political solipsism." While, in toto, Habermas's ethics is pluralist qua its discursivity, its epistemology remains solipsistic qua its universal-pragmatist epistemological assumptions. This also has far-reaching consequences regarding which political model of identity should be furthered. As I argue, Habermas's new concept of a "legally constituted civic solidarity" that came to replace his older moral understanding of solidarity cannot rectify these problems. Nevertheless, the concept of solidarity needs to be upheld. In the last section, I turn to Nancy's concept of freedom and interprets it as a model for European solidarity that results in the creation of a third space, where the differences of the various national states, while being respected, encounter each other and give rise to a shared and common European form of life.
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    Wie können integrierte Versorgungsinitiativen gefördert werden und was ist bei der Umsetzung zu beachten?
    Strehle, Oliver
    Integrierte Versorgungsinitiativen können als gemeinsame Überprüfung und Weiterentwicklung der Wertschöpfungsprozesse und der Governance zwischen mehreren Versorgungspartnern verstanden werden. Der fmc Impuls beschreibt fünf Empfehlungen, welche für eine erfolgreiche Entwicklung von integrierten Versorgungsinitiativen beachtet werden sollten.
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    Benchmarking: Die Kunst, voneinander zu lernen
    (2024-04-02) ;
    Schneider, Kristian
    Tuckermann, Harald
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    Is more always better? The role of board committees in firm strategy
    Scheef, Christine
    Guoli Chen
    The number of board committees has been steadily increasing over the past decade with board adding new board committees such as technology or sustainability committees. Prior research has mostly focused on specialized committees in isolation, but we know little about the potential trade-offs of establishing an increasing number of board committees and its aggregate effects on organizational outcomes. Building upon the organizational structure literature and attention-based view, this study argues that an increasing number of board committees reduces a firm’s strategic uniqueness and ultimately, economic value creation. These effects are mainly driven by board committees’ attention focus on monitoring and limited diversity, which both discourage the deviation from peers to go unique ways with the firm’s strategy. We further explore two contextualized conditions, lower diversity in board committees and the presence of specialized strategy committee, which moderate the relationships. Analysis of a sample of S&P 1500 firms for the period of 2005 – 2021 largely supports our theoretical arguments.
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    Ownership matters: How family control affects the value of board chair types after CEO successions
    Scheef, Christine
    This study examines the performance consequences of CEO successions, focusing on the types of board chairs and firm ownership structures. While CEO successions can bring adaptation benefits and performance gains through strategic realignment, they can also cause disruption costs and performance losses by disturbing stakeholder relationships. We examine how the presence of a predecessor CEO or an independent individual as board chair affects postsuccession performance differently depending on the level of family control. Our analysis of a panel dataset of S&P 1500 firms from 2003 to 2022 and a series of robustness tests provide strong support for our predictions. We find that with increasing family control, predecessor CEOs as board chairs have a more positive effect on postsuccession performance, while the opposite holds true for independent board chairs. Further, within family-controlled firms, the effect of predecessor retention is stronger for outside than inside CEO successions. Our findings expand CEO succession and board chair research by demonstrating that the value of a board chair type after CEO successions depends on a firm’s ownership structure, particularly the degree of family control.

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