Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    In recent years, conversational AI solutions have become increasingly prevalent in customer service centers within the retail banking and insurance industry. This case study delves into the interplay and influence of institutional logic on organizational responses in addressing constraints encountered while implementing these conversational AI solutions. We collaborated with six prominent Swiss retail banks and insurance companies to analyze their conversational AI implementation practices over one year. Our research identifies three primary organizational responses to absorb resource constraints in this context: development of AI Business Unit Capabilities, formation of specialized AI Teams, and establishment of AI Value Streams. Furthermore, we identified that a company's institutional logicranging from opportunistic and cautious to pragmatic AI utilization and innovative customer-centricsignificantly molds its organizational response to resource constraints. Additionally, these organizational responses exhibit varying degrees of constraint absorption (i.e., full, partial, or minimal).
  • Publication
    Illuminating Smart City Solutions -A Taxonomy and Clusters
    ( 2023-12)
    Jonas, Claudius
    Oberländer, Anna
    With urban problems intensifying, Smart City solutions are recognized by researchers and practitioners as one of the most promising solutions to make urban areas economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. While many elements of Smart City solutions have been explored, existing works either treat Smart City solutions as technical black boxes or focus exclusively on Smart City solutions' technical or nontechnical characteristics. Therefore, to conceptualize the unique characteristics of Smart City solutions currently available, we developed a multi-layer taxonomy based on Smart City solution literature and a sample of 106 Smart City solutions. Moreover, we identified three clusters, each covering a typical combination of characteristics of Smart City solutions. We evaluated our findings by applying the Q-sort method. The results contribute to the descriptive knowledge of Smart City solutions as a first step for a theory for analyzing and enable researchers and practitioners to understand Smart City solutions more holistically.
  • Publication
    Challenges and Good Practices in Conversational AI-Driven Service Automation
    Conversational AI offers novel opportunities for companies to automate customer interactions. However, many companies grapple with effectively implementing conversational AI. Utilizing an engaged, consortium-based research approach, we examine the unique challenges faced by six companies in the insurance and banking sector while implementing conversational AI solutions and identify best practices to address these challenges. Finally, drawing upon the lessons learned, we offer guidance for developing conversational AI capabilities and fostering conversational AI success stories.
  • Publication
    Demystifying Industrial Internet of Things start-ups -A multi-layer taxonomy
    ( 2022-02)
    Claudius Jonas
    Anna Maria Oberländer
    Wethmar, Simon
    Described as a fundamental paradigm shift by researchers, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is credited with massive potential. In the context of emerging technologies, such as the IIoT, start-ups occupy a crucial role, as new technologies are often first commercialized by start-ups. Because of the rising importance of IIoT start-ups as drivers of industrial innovation, IIoT solutions demand deepened theoretical insights. As existing classification schemes in the industrial context do not sufficiently account for the ever more critical role of IIoT start-ups, we present a multi-layer taxonomy of IIoT start-up solutions. Building on state-of-the-art literature and a sample of 78 real-world IIoT start-up solutions, the taxonomy comprises ten dimensions and related characteristics structured along the three layers solution, data, and business model. The taxonomy contributes to the descriptive knowledge on the IIoT and enables researchers and practitioners to better understand IIoT start-up solutions.