Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Publication
    Ensuring CPO-TMT Alignment: An empirical investigation of antecedents
    ( 2024-03-27)
    Fostering strategic alignment between business and procurement remains a perennial challenge. Although top management teams increasingly focus on supply-related topics and chief procurement officers have more strategic exchanges, misalignment persists. Procurement is often still perceived as a service provider, not a strategic advisor, underscoring a gap in fostering strategic alignment. Our research delineates antecedents in the CPO-TMT relationship to strategic alignment and identifies strategies for effective deployment by drawing on extant research on social capital theory, expert interviews, and focus groups with procurement executives and top management team representatives.
  • Publication
    An investigation of perceptual congruence in the interpersonal CEO-CPO relationship
    ( 2023-07-05)
    Mutual understanding between Chief Executive Officers and Chief Procurement Officers is critical yet unexplored. Therefore, this study investigates how the ability of mutual perspective-taking influences the quality of collaboration and the perceived contribution of procurement. Building on two well-established social and interpersonal relationship research models, this investigation employs dyadic data analysis to examine 28 matched-pair survey responses from CEO-CPO pairs. Findings indicate that the actual stances of executives on important business and procurement subjects exhibit greater alignment than they perceive them to be, implying that their understanding of each other's viewpoints diverges negatively from their actual opinions.
  • Publication
    Ensuring CEO-CPO alignment: Development of a conceptual framework
    ( 2023-06-15)
    Purpose Procurement topics have stepped into the corporate limelight. Despite the increasing importance of procurement and supply management, perception gaps still exist in the CEO-CPO relationship, leading to an unhealthy and unsuccessful relationship. Therefore, this study aims to conceptualize the CEO-CPO relationship to identify where perceptual distance occurs. Design/methodology/approach This study develops a framework based on a systematic literature review on perceptual distance and social alignment in different relationship settings. Based on identifying different dimensions where perceptual distance can occur, we subsequently conduct semi-structured interviews with chief procurement and executive officers to validate and devise the relationship dimensions on their relevance and applicability in practice. Findings Our research reveals further insights into the CEO-CPO relationship. We provide insights into input, process, and output dimensions and factors contributing to perceptual distance, thus allowing for an accurate and reliable evaluation of perceptions in the CEO-CPO relationship. Research limitations/implications (if applicable) We provide managerial implications regarding CEO-CPO alignment. Limitations suggest the need for more targeted research with expanded sample sizes, including a third viewpoint and qualitative case studies to better understand the role of contextual factors. Practical implications Our framework allows business and procurement leaders to concretize, discuss, and monitor their perceptual distance to foster a healthy and successful relationship. Original/value Building on theory, this paper provides insights into the social alignment of the CEO-CPO relationship, where extant research has primarily focused on organizational and strategic alignment activities.
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  • Publication
    Closing the Climate Action Gap
    ( 2023-03-22) ;
    Martina Buchhauser
    Sven Steinert
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  • Publication
    The Procurement Initiative Pulse Check Q1/2024
    (University of St.Gallen, 2024-03-15) ;
    Martina Buchhauser
    Richard McIntosh
    With our Q1/2024 Pulse Check, we aim to gauge the current sentiment within the procurement and supply chain environment, focusing specifically on the role of AI for Procurement and the current state of the Chief Procurement Officer within organizations. Based on our pulse check survey and a CPO survey with 400-plus respondents, this report provides an overview of the current state in procurement and future trajectories.
  • Publication
    The Procurement Initiative Pulse Check Q2/2024
    (University of St.Gallen, 2024-07-15) ;
    Martina Buchhauser
    Richard McIntosh
    Stephan Timpe
    With our Q2/2024 Pulse Check, we aim to gauge the current sentiment within the procurement and supply chain environment, focusing specifically on the role of raw materials procurement and the management of supplier price increases. Based on our pulse check survey, this report provides an overview of the current state in procurement and future trajectories.
  • Publication
    The Procurement Initiative Pulse Check Q4/2023
    (University of St.Gallen, 2023-12-11) ;
    Martina Buchhauser
    With our Q4/2023 Pulse Check, we aim to gauge the current sentiment within the procurement and supply chain environment, focusing specifically on inflation expectations and the sustainability maturity level within organizations. With 108 surveyed experts across C-level, managerial, and professional positions, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the current state in procurement and future trajectories. This report presents The Procurement Initiative's findings, reflecting on the challenges facing procurement and supply chain managers, and highlighting best practices.