Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
  • Publication
    Verbesserte Entscheidungsqualität durch Enterprise Mashups
    (Verlag Vahlen, 2010-06-07)
    Fuchsloch, Andrea
    Hoyer, Volker
    vom Brocke, Jan
  • Publication
    Enterprise Mashup vs. Service Composition: What fits to reach the next stage in End-User Development?
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2009-03-25)
    Büchel, Boris
    Janner, Till
    Schroth, Christoph
    Hoyer, Volker
    Hinkelmann, Knut
    Wache, Holger
    While the development of enterprise applications is still relegated to IT departments, we observe a high demand for situational or ad-hoc applications desired by the mass of business end-users. This huge demand cannot be fully implemented by IT departments due to cost reasons and a lack of resources. New approaches in End-User Development (EUD) may help to overcome this gap. Recent approaches emerging in this field comprise new visual composition or programming environments stemming either from Business Process Management and Service-Oriented Architectures or Enterprise Mashup and the Web 2.0 paradigm. In this work, an analysis based on an extended version of the EUD Framework of Sutcliffe et al. is conducted to identify what approach fits to reach the next stage in EUD; the empowerment of the end-users to create their individual solutions with less or even no programming skills required. The analysis indicates that both approaches support EUD to reach this next stage, but Enterprise Mashups currently seem to better satisfy the end-users' demands, especially if situational, ad-hoc, and highly individualized but not too complex solutions have to be developed.
  • Publication
    Cloud-based Enterprise Mashup Integration Services for B2B Scenarios
    ( 2009-04-20)
    Siebeck, Robert
    Janner, Till
    Schroth, Christoph
    Hoyer, Volker
    Wörndl, Wolfgang
    Urmetzer, Florian
    We observe a huge demand for situational and ad-hoc applications desired by the mass of business end-users that cannot be fully implemented by IT departments. This is especially the case with regard to solutions that support infrequent, situational, and ad-hoc B2B scenarios. End users are not able to implement such solutions without the help of developers. Enterprise Mashup-/ and Lightweight Composition approaches and tools are promising solutions to unleash the huge potential of integrating the mass of end users into development and to overcome this "long-tail" dilemma. In this work, we summarize different patterns on how to realize B2B collaborations between different Mashup platforms. We also evaluate cloud computing infrastructures available on the Web as they might be a suitable platform for B2B integration via Mashups. As a major result, we provide an overview and first results of an architecture and implementation of a prototype that implements an API for Enterprise Mashup integration services. This prototype is built on the basis of different existing cloud infrastructures and services.
  • Publication
    Design Principles of Enterprise Mashups
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2009-03-25)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Hinkelmann, Knut
    Wache, Holger
    A new kind of Web-based application, known as Enterprise Mashups, has been gaining momentum in the last years. Enterprise Mashups implicate a shift concerning a collaborative software development and consumption process. End users combine and reuse existing Web-based resources within minutes to new value added applications in order to solve an individual and ad-hoc business problem. Novel design principles are currently about to emerge allowing to cover the long tail of user needs. In this position paper, we introduce the terminology used in context of this new paradigm and present an Enterprise Mashup Stack which consists of three layers: Web-based resources, widgets, and Mashups. Based on this model, we elaborate on the design principles of upcoming intermediaries and the mass collaboration form, the lightweight composition style as well as the perpetual beta development model. By means of the EU funded research project FAST, we show their real-world applicability.
  • Publication
    Lightweight Composition of Ad-Hoc Enterprise-Class Applications with Context-aware Enterprise Mashups
    ( 2009-11-23)
    Gilles, Florian
    Hoyer, Volker
    Janner, Till
    The huge demand for ad-hoc and situational enterprise-class applications led to a new kind of Web-based applications, known as enterprise mashups. End users from the business units with no programming skills are empowered to combine and reuse existing company internal and external resources within minutes to new value added applications. In order to handle the growing number of mashable components, we propose a context-aware concept for enterprise mashups that supports users to find relevant components according to their current situation and to compose them automatically. The designed context model which is structured in the three domains agent, computing and environment is implemented in the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype to demonstrate its applicability and business benefits.
  • Publication
    Business Benefits of Enterprise Mashups
    ( 2010-08-12)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Kramer, Simone
    Giessmann, Andrea
    Enterprise mashup is a new development paradigm which empowers users from the business units to create individual applications without the involvement of the IT department. Unlike the service-oriented architecture paradigm, which allows the automation of structured business processes, enterprise mashups represent a technology of the next corporate technology adoption wave characterized by the peer production philosophy. It enables the automation of unstructured processes relevant for knowledge workers which could not be modeled in advanced. An open and unaddressed question in the scientific community is the discussion of the benefits of this new paradigm. This poster closes this gap by presenting a benefit model. We leverage the balance scorecard concept to structure and identify the benefits items from a holistic point of view. By means of a case study and an organized laboratory experiment, we demonstrate the applicability of the benefit model and quantify the benefits.
  • Publication
    The FAST Platform: An Open and Semantically-enriched Platform for Designing Multi-Channel and Enterprise-Class Gadgets
    (Springer, 2009-11-24)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Janner, Till
    Delchev, Ivan
    Fuchsloch, Andrea
    López, Javier
    Ortega, Sebastian
    Fernández, Rafael
    Möller, Knud Hinnerk
    Rivera, Ismael
    Reyes, Marcos
    Fradinho, Manuel
    The transfer of the mashup paradigm in corporate environments needs additional capabilities beyond those typically associated with consumer mashups. In this paper, we present the architecture of the FAST platform which allows creating enterprise-class and multi-channel visual building blocks (so called gadgets) in an ad-hoc manner. The design of complex enterprise-class gadgets is supported by an integrated semantic concept which hides the complexity from the actual users. The architectural components of the platform, a technical life cycle model for enterprise mashups, and the FAST gadget ontology are presented. By means of a cross-organizational real-world scenario from the marketing/ promotion event area, we demonstrate the value and potential of the FAST platform.
  • Publication
    FAST Platform: A Concept for User-Centric, Enterprise Class Mashup
    (Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2009-03-25)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Janner, Till
    Schroth, Christoph
    Delchev, Ivan
    Urmetzer, Florian
    Hinkelmann, Knut
    Wache, Holger
    A new kind of Web-based application, known as Enterprise Mashups, has been gaining momentum in the last years: Business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner existing Mashup components and to combine and reuse existing Web-based resources within minutes to new value added applications in order to solve individual and adhoc business problems. In the frame of the EU funded research project FAST, we are currently developing a new platform which allows business users to build usercentric, enterprise class Mashups. In contrast to existing approaches focusing on mashing up heteogeneous data sources, the envisioned FAST platform proposes a screen flow design resulting in so called gadgets which can be executed in various environments - reaching from Enterprise Mashup environments, social networks, and mobile devices to local desktop applications. The underlying concepts and a first prototype of the FAST Platform are presented in this poster session.
  • Publication
    Enterprise Mashup: Putting a face on next generation global SOA
    ( 2007-12-03)
    Janner, Till
    Cañas Vaz, Miguel Angel
    Hierro, Juan J.
    Lizcano, David
    Reyes, Marcos
    Schroth, Christoph
    Soriano, Javier
    Hoyer, Volker
    Mashup is considered as the central enabler concept/technology of the Web 2.0 era. Based on definitions of [Hof, R.D., (2007)] and [The Economist (2005)] we take the following summary as foundation and definition of a Mashup: A Mash-up is a Web-based resource, be it content or application functionality, which has been created through reuse and composition of two or more different resources. Mashups in an Enterprise context aim at enabling the users to dynamically compose and interconnect their own operational environments and processes in a very simple and flexible fashion. An Enterprise Mashup platform will facilitate flexible, useful and effective user interaction and management with all kind of resources. Especially the integration of Web Service technology is important to mention in an Enterprise context. The creation of so-called Gadgets on top of services enables end-users to understand the not human readable WSDL interfaces of current Service-oriented Architectures. The central topic of the tutorial, Enterprise Mashups, will be presented to the audience with two major parts, theory and practice. The theory part includes the motivation, the necessary definition of important terms and concepts and also an overview of the state of the art with regard to current approaches of mashup platforms. A comprehensive argumentation and presentation of the requirements towards the realization of an Enterprise Mashup platform completes this part. During the practical part of the tutorial, demonstrations of major existing platforms that allow users to create Mashups will be given. The demonstrations include the iGoogle front-site (gadgets can be assembled according to the users' hearts desires), Netvibes (an RSS-aggregator), Yahoo pipes (arbitrary and rich design of content-filters, based on the RSS protocol), WebRPC and Kapow Technologies (one of the first providers to head for so-called Enterprise Mashups). Finally the presenters will give a demonstration with a first prototype of an Enterprise Mashup platform. A practical scenario will be presented that demonstrates the value of an Enterprise Mashup platform. Structure: 1.Motivation for Enterprise Mashups 2.Current approaches and related research work 3.(Enterprise) Mashup foundations in a nutshell 3.1.A definition of Mashup resources in the future internet of services 3.2.Mashup technologies (REST, RSS, piping and wiring, SOAP,�) 3.3.REST as a human-to-service interaction enabler 3.4.Mashups as a user-oriented resource integration enabler 3.5.Towards the internet of services and the role of enterprise mash-ups 4.Live Demo - how to use and develop on current mash-up platforms 4.1.Yahoo pipes 4.2.WebRPC, Kapow Technologies 4.3.iGoogle 5.Demo and Presentation of a prototype Enterprise Mashup environment 5.1.Prototype architecture and technology 5.2.A use case for enterprise Mashup within a big company 5.3.Practical exercise with a first prototype: Mashup of enterprise resources 6.Conclusion and outlook on future research challenges References: Hof, R.D., (2007): Mix, Match, And Mutate, Business Week Magazine, 2005, available online at:, last seen: May 30, 2007 The Economist (2005): Mashing the Web, The Economist 376 (8444), Special section, p. 4 O'Reilly, T. (2007): What is Web 2.0,, last seen: May 30, 2007 Additional information at INRIA online bibliography:
  • Publication
    Towards a Reference Model for Grassroots Enterprise Mashup Environments
    (Università di Verona, Facoltà di Economia, Departimento de Economia Aziendale, 2009-06-08)
    Hoyer, Volker
    Newell, Susan
    A new kind of Web-based application, known as Enterprise Mashups, has gained momentum in the last years: Business users with no or limited programming skills are empowered to leverage in a collaborative manner user friendly building blocks and to combine and reuse existing Web-based resources within minutes to new value added applications in order to solve an individual and ad-hoc business problem. Current discussions of the Mashup paradigm in the scientific community are limited on technical aspects. The collaboration and the peer production management aspects of the Mashup development have received less attention yet. In this paper, we propose a reference model for Enterprise Mashups which provides a foundation to develop and to analyse grassroots Enterprise Mashup environments from a managerial and collaborative perspective. By following the design science research approach, we investigate existing reference models and leverage the St. Gallen Media Reference Model (MRM). The development of Enterprise Mashups is structured by market transaction phases similar to electronic markets. The user roles, the necessary processes and the resulting services are modelled according to the views of the MRM. By means of the SAP Research RoofTop Marketplace prototype we demonstrate the application of the designed reference model for grassroots Enterprise Mashups environments. WINNER OF THE BEST PAPER AWARD.