Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Understanding the Formation of Psychic Distance Perceptions: Are Country-level or Individual-level Factors more Important?
    This study investigates individual managers’ formation of psychic distance perceptions to foreign countries. Adopting a social psychological perspective, we propose three social-cognitive mechanisms - social comparison, mere exposure, and social learning - to help explain why and how country- and individual-level characteristics affect the formation of such perceptions. Based on an international survey of 1,591 managers located in 25 countries, we find that country-specific international experience, formal education, and a match between a managers’ first language and the language of the target country reduce psychic distance perceptions. Surprisingly, and in contrast to conventional wisdom, managers’ international and overall work experiences do not seem to have any effect on their distance perceptions. However, relative to country-level factors, individual-level antecedents seem to have rather limited explanatory power as predictors of overall psychic distance perceptions, lending support to the widely-employed practice of operationalizing psychic distances through country level indicators. In addition to these empirical findings, the study contributes by providing a theoretical social psychological framework for the understanding of how psychic distance perceptions are formed.
  • Publication
    Switzerland and Europe: Close Neighbours or Distant Relatives?
    Diese Studie untersucht die psychische Distanz von Schweizer Managern und ihren Handelspartnern. Unsere Daten zeigen, dass die Schweiz und ihre Handelspartner im Ausland sich gegenseitig unterschiedlich weit entfernt wahrnehmen. Diese wahrgenommene psychische Distanz hat einen Einfluss auf ihren Handel. Der Artikel schliesst mit einer Diskussion, wie Schweizer multinationale Unternehmen ihre relative Distanzwahrnehmung nutzen können, indem sie sich als europäischer Hub aufstellen.
  • Publication
    Understanding the Formation of Psychic Distance Perceptions
    This study investigates individual managers’ formation of psychic distance perceptions to foreign countries. Adopting a social psychological perspective, we propose three social-cognitive mechanisms - social comparison, mere exposure, and social learning - to help explain why and how country- and individual-level characteristics affect the formation of such perceptions. Based on an international survey of 1,591 managers located in 25 countries, we find that country-specific international experience, formal education, and a match between a managers’ first language and the language of the target country reduce psychic distance perceptions. Surprisingly, and in contrast to conventional wisdom, managers’ international and overall work experiences do not seem to have any effect on their distance perceptions. However, relative to country-level factors, individual-level antecedents seem to have rather limited explanatory power as predictors of overall psychic distance perceptions, lending support to the widely-employed practice of operationalizing psychic distances through country level indicators. In addition to these empirical findings, the study contributes by providing a theoretical social psychological framework for the understanding of how psychic distance perceptions are formed.
  • Publication
    Understanding Psychic Distance A Product of Individual Demographics or Collective Phenomenon?
    (Strategic Management Society, 2015-05-29)
    This empirical study, which offers an investigation of the impact of individual-level antecedents on the perceived psychic distance of the individual to foreign countries, adds to the literature in two important ways. First, we empirically investigate different individual-level antecedents. We find that formal education, a young age and the command of language reduce the psychic distance perceptions, while we find, in contrast to conventional wisdom, no impact for international experience and work experience. Second, we compare the relative importance of individual-level and macro-level antecedents on the formation of individual psychic distance perceptions. Our results suggest that macro-level antecedents are a powerful predictor for individual psychic distance perceptions, while individual-level antecedents only have a relatively limited explanatory power.
  • Publication
    The forgotten middle: Cognitive firm capabilities and the multinationality performance relationship
    (Academy of Management, 2015-08-07) ;
    This conceptual paper, which offers an examination of the role of strategic schemas in the multinationality performance relationship, adds to the literature in three important ways. First, by drawing on internalization theory and the dynamic capabilities view we open the black-box of the firm and incorporate the cognition research approach of strategic schemas and its mediating role for the multinationality performance relationship. Second, by conceptualizing multinationality as multinational complexity, we expand the multidimensional perception of multinationality and contribute to a more fine-grained understanding of the levels of multinationality that firms face. Third, we combine the internal-capabilities view with environmental multinational complexity by developing a strategic schema fit model for the relationship between multinational complexity and firm performance. Therefore, this paper offers an approach to resolve the inconclusive findings of the multinational performance (M/P) literature.
  • Publication
    Multinational Complexity and MNC Performance: A Strategic Schema Fit Model
    (Academy of International Business, 2014-08-01) ;
    Examining the role of strategic schemas on the multinational performance relationship our conceptual paper adds to the literature in two important ways. First, by opening the black-box of the firm and incorporating the cognition research approach of strategic schemas we contribute to the growing importance of microfoundations by developing a strategic schema fit model for the relationship between multinational complexity and firm performance. Hence, we shed more light on the heterogenic capabilities of firms to cope with multinational complexity. Second, by conceptualizing multinationality as multinational complexity we expand the multidimensional perception of multinationality and contribute to a more fine-grained account of the level of multinationality that firms are faced with. We propose that firms with a more complex strategic schema have a relatively larger strategic flexibility. Building on earlier insides we theorise that strategic flexibility is the superior frame to process multinational complexity and to achieve a relatively higher performance.
  • Publication
    M&A-Relevanz von Industrie 4.0 in der mittelständischen Investitionsgüterindustrie
    (GoingPublic Media AG, 2015-09-26) ;
    Müller, Michael
    Steidle, Martin