Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Basel III versus Solvency II: An Analysis of Regulatory Consistency under the New Capital Standards
    (American Risk and Insurance Ass., 2017-12) ;
    This article provides a critical analysis of the consistency of the standard approaches for market and credit risks under Solvency II and the current and forthcoming Basel III standards. The comparability is assessed both theoretically via a detailed comparison of the capital standards and in a numerical analysis that contrasts the capital charges for a stylized portfolio. Our examination reveals substantial discrepancies in the design of the frameworks. These lead to vastly differing capital requirements for the same risks. Moreover, the analysis indicates higher charges for banks than insurers, especially under the proposed new Basel III standard approaches.
    Scopus© Citations 10
  • Publication
    Empirical Findings on Motor Insurance Pricing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
    (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016-01-20) ; ;
    This paper focuses on recent developments in motor insurance pricing in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Through the analysis of responses to a recent comprehensive survey of industry representatives, we examine the various premium components and the processes involved in premium adaptation. New findings on the use of different tariff criteria, on the tools used for market-based and customer-specific pricing, and on the information considered for customer valuation are reported. We also address the integration of the insurance sales staff in the pricing process. With regard to premium adjustments and the introduction of new tariffs, we examine the frequency, time required and costs incurred. With this paper, we contribute to a strand of literature where little academic research has been done so far. In addition, our results entail managerial implications for improving industry practices in insurance pricing.
    Scopus© Citations 15