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  • Publication
    Trade Credit and Its Role in Entrepreneurial Finance
    (Oxford University Press, 2012)
    Cunat, Vicente
    Cumming, Douglas
    Recent research has found evidence of the central role of trade credit in the financing of small businesses. In the United States, for example, trade credit is used by about 60 percent of small businesses; such a large incidence of use is not observed in any other financial service except checking accounts. This article analyzes several aspects of the trade credit agreement. It starts by explaining why trade credit is such an extended phenomenon in spite of the existence of a specialized financial sector. Then it discusses several aspects that make trade credit a unique and not fully contractual arrangement, whose value depends to a great extent on the value of the commercial relationship between the supplier and the buyer. It then focuses on the value of trade credit for entrepreneurial firms.
    Scopus© Citations 52