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  • Publication
    «Green Packaging»: Good Practices zur Auswahl ökologisch nachhaltiger Industrieverpackungen
    The consortium study “Green Packaging: Good Practices for selecting ecologically sustainable industrial packaging” investigates the current status and possible sustainability levers for users of industrial packaging. The environmental effects of (industrial) packaging are increasingly coming into the focus of politics, businesses and consumers, not least due to demanding climate targets. While consumer packaging is already receiving much attention, it has been only in recent years that industrial packaging has come on the agenda of industry and research in this regard. Optimized packaging solutions can make a significant contribution to companies’ sustainability strategies and reduce their Carbon Footprint – e.g., by using alternative packaging materials, a more targeted design of the packaging solution, improved recycling or reusable packaging systems. The study investigates these topics with a consortium of well-known users and producers of industrial packaging as well as logistics service providers. The focus of the study is to point out “Good Practices” and specific opportunities for users.