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What makes life for process mining analysts difficult? A reflection of challenges

2023-11-17 , Lisa Zimmermann , Francesca Zerbato , Barbara Weber

Over the past few years, several software companies have emerged that offer process mining tools to assist enterprises in gaining insights into their process executions. However, the effective application of process mining technologies depends on analysts who need to be proficient in managing process mining projects and providing process insights and improvement opportunities. To contribute to a better understanding of the difficulties encountered by analysts and to pave the way for the development of enhanced and tailored support for them, this work reveals the challenges they perceive in practice. In particular, we identify 23 challenges based on interviews with 41 analysts, which we validate using a questionnaire survey. We provide insights into the relevancy of the process mining challenges and present mitigation strategies applied in practice to overcome them. While mitigation strategies exist, our findings imply the need for further research to provide support for analysts along all phases of process mining projects on the individual level, but also the technical, group, and organizational levels.

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ProMiSE: Process Mining Support for End-Users

2023-07-06 , Zerbato, Francesca , Zimmermann, Lisa , Völzer, Hagen , Weber, Barbara , CEUR Workshop Proceedings

In the past decade, process mining has gained momentum in academia and the industry, as it supports organizations in deriving insights from event data recorded from process executions. The increasing adoption of process mining in practice entails supporting process analysts in their work. Indeed, their analysis includes many exploratory tasks that require them to rely on their experience to interpret the data and steer the analysis. This knowledge-intensive nature of process mining can be challenging for less experienced analysts and calls for methodological and operational guidance tailored to their needs. In this paper, we present ProMiSE, a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation that embraces this novel direction in process mining research. The first goal of the project is to improve our understanding of how analysts work in practice, i.e., the process of process mining. Then, methodological guidance and software-based support are developed to assist novice analysts during their analysis. The results obtained in the first two years of ProMiSE have helped to build a solid empirical basis on process mining, laying the foundation for the development of user-centered support, which we will realize in the coming years with the help of our project partners and international collaborators.

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Process Mining Challenges Perceived by Analysts: An Interview Study

2022 , Zimmermann, Lisa , Zerbato, Francesca , Weber, Barbara