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  • Publication
    Designing Chatbot-based EMAs and Just-in-time Adaptive Interventions with the Open Source Platform MobileCoach: Overview and Lesson’s Learnt
    This workshop serves as an introduction to the MobileCoach (, an open source platform for ecological momentary assessments and mobile interventions for health behaviour change (Filler et al., 2015; Haug et al., 2017; Kowatsch et al., 2017). Key features of the MobileCoach platform include a rule-based chatbot interface, Limesurvey integration, smartphone sensor data collection and different randomization options. These features allow researchers to implement intensive data collection (e.g. ecological momentary assessment), advanced mHealth interventions (e.g. just-in-time adaptive interventions) and various study designs (e.g. micro-randomized trials). The workshop presenters will give a hands-on demonstration of the basic MobileCoach functionalities. Informed by application examples in the domains of physical activity promotion and asthma digital biomarker research, possible use cases of rule-based chatbots will be explored together with the audience.