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  • Publication
    Preventive Process Stabilization by Integrated Process Development
    (Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013) ; ; ;
    Basu, Prabir
    Werani, Jürgen
    Compared to other industries, pharmaceutical companies still work as an assembly of functions rather than as a seamlessly integrated operation. Co-existing functions and departments do not, or only to a small extent, collaborate. This especially applies to pharma's central value stream of research - development - production. Although there are often clear interfaces between these major functions, they usually are rather narrow. Since projects from research through development to commercial manufacturing have a long lifespan, they are rarely overseen from beginning to end, but instead are independently assessed during these three distinct phases. This results in an overall lack of dedication to the success of a project; the goal is mainly to get a project successfully through one's own phase, without much consideration of subsequent requirements and specifics.