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  • Publication
    Eine qualitative Bewertung der Stärken und Schwächen deutschsprachiger Erklärvideos im Pflegebereich
    ( 2024-06)
    Marcel Scherrer
    Josef Buchner
    Michael Kerres
    For nursing education and training, numerous explanatory videos are available on the widely used video streaming platform YouTube. However, the videos are published largely uncontrolled, and they are characterized by a great heterogeneity. Teachers and learners are often faced with the question of which video is most suitable from the extensive list of results in a search. The focus of this study is the qualitative design of explainer videos, since even subject-specific content must be presented appropriately in order to increase the likelihood of learning progress. For the qualitative evaluation of three explanatory videos each on the nursing topics of infusion preparation and 30-degree positioning, a cross-disciplinary analysis grid is used that considers pedagogical-didactic, (instructional) psychological, and film-analytical features. The results of the empirical investigation show a mixed quality of explanatory videos for nursing. The evaluated explanatory videos each consider the quality criteria to varying extents and hardly fulfill (media) pedagogical-didactic quality criteria. The authors discuss why the explanatory videos are suitable for different target groups and how (instructional) psychological and film design criteria intertwine.