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  • Publication
    Handbuch Hochschuldidaktik
    ( 2022) ;
    Lohner, David
    Looking beyond one’s own nose for inspiration is key to successfully designing learning experiences. The international higher education community has to offer a large variety of approaches that are just waiting to be tried out in one’s own academic domain. So why not take a look at Germany, the land of poets and thinkers, in the field of university teaching? The German Handbuch Hochschuldidaktik by Kordts-Freudinger et al. (2021) provides an overview of the landscape of teaching and learning in higher education (in Germany: Hochschuldidaktik; HD) in the German-speaking context. It depicts the state of the art and delineates the development, structures, formats, and strategic fields of HD. Potential readers can expect insights into the ‘expanding lifeworld’ of academic developers (Mårtensson & Roxå, 2021, p. 1) at a micro-, meso-, and macro-level. So there are points of reference for everyone who teaches or is involved in academic development at university. Although many introductions to teaching in higher education (e.g. Berendt et al., 2022; Marshall, 2020) exist, this volume stands out by being a comprehensive review of the state of affairs in the field of HD in the German-speaking context just before the Covid-19 pandemic hit higher education institutions which led to abrupt changes in teaching and learning (e.g. ad-hoc-digitalization at many universities).