Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Confessions of an Early Sustainability Educator: Autoethnographic Reflections on Myths in and About Sustainability Education in Higher Education
    ( 2024-06-05)
    This paper explores the initial challenges and misconceptions faced by an early sustainability educator. Explicitly articulating my positionality (e.g., educational researcher & lecturer with foci on educational theory and sustainability education), I autoethnographically (Anteliz et al., 2023) reflect on my recent personal journey in better understanding the field and phenomenon of sustainability education (Jones et al., 2010). Based on relevant literature in the fields of teaching and learning in higher education (e.g., Brookfield, 2017), educational-psychological myths (de Bruyckere et al., 2020), and sustainability education (Jones et al., 2010), I discuss my initial (questionable) beliefs. Entering the field of sustainability education (SE) as a novice, it is quite common to harbor misconceptions. I will present a theory and model-based classification of these misconceptions relating them to key elements of teaching and learning in higher education such as intended learning outcomes or learning activities (Biggs, 2014; e.g., “Sustainability Education is about teaching someone sustainable, i.e., “the right” values, attitudes, knowledge, and behavior”; “Direct Instruction is inferior to active and experience-based methods in sustainability education”). Additionally, I will elaborate on their potential negative consequences and show that they can hinder the advancement of higher education ecosystems that serve to enable learners to think integratively and act responsibly. Confessions (Mazur, 2009) about our misconceptions point to our fallibility, the ability to recognize and address our own misunderstandings. In my talk, I will encourage educators and academic developers stepping into sustainability education to adopt a similar reflective stance, participate in professional development activities, and not fear to challenge their own beliefs. This way, they will not only enhance their understanding but also become more effective sustainability educators, inspiring lecturers, and learners in higher education to create more sustainable ecosystems of teaching and learning. Through increased reflection, these misconceptions can undergo conceptual change (Vosniadou, 2013), which is a crucial process, not only on an individual level, but also collectively, fostering a community of educators with shared understanding of sustainability education. (Selected) References Anteliz, E. A., Mulligan, D. L., & Danaher, P. A. (Eds.). (2023). The Routledge international handbook of autoethnography in educational research. Routledge. De Bruyckere, P., Kirschner, P. A., & Hulshof, C. (2020). More urban myths about learning and education: Challenging eduquacks, extraordinary claims, and alternative facts. Routledge. Mazur, E. (2009). Farewell, Lecture? Science, 323(5910), 50–51. Jones, P., Selby, D., & Sterling, S. (Eds.). (2010). Sustainability education: Perspectives and practice across higher education. Earthscan
  • Publication
    Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) in SQUARE: Insights into the Midterm Evaluation of Spring Semester 2022
    Since 2016, the Quality Development Office (QD) and the Centre for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education at the University of St.Gallen (IWP) have been offering Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs) to instructors on a voluntary basis. TAPs are a participatory, formative feedback method with which university instructors can obtain qualitative feedback on their courses during the semester. Insights regarding what helps or impedes their students’ learning and any suggestions for improvement can be implemented directly in the same course (Hawelka, 2019; Hurney et al., 2014). SQUARE was ceremonially opened in 2022. Designed by the Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto, the new learning center is intended to be an experimental field for the future of teaching and learning, which enables interaction between students, university faculty, business and industry professionals, and local residents (SQUARE, 2022). At the request of SQUARE, specialized TAPs were developed and conducted in the spring semester 2022 to gain insights into teaching and learning within SQUARE. Our main research questions were: RQ1: From the students’ perspective – what aspects of the course and SQUARE support and impede the learning experience? RQ2: What suggestions do students have for improving teaching and learning in their course and in SQUARE? To answer these questions we conducted 15 TAPs, i.e., TAPs (Hawelka, 2019) and collected feedback from N = 272 students. The via Padlet gathered data was analyzed by two independent coders using qualitative content analysis (Kuckartz, 2018) and the coding manual by Hawelka (2019). Results on the course level (total number of codes: 475; 216 positive, 122 negative aspects, and 137 suggestions for improvement) revealed that students considered aspects of interaction (74 codes), cognitive learning strategies (53), and motivational regulation (51) as most supportive. Most impeding aspects contained the categories lack of interaction (37), workload/exam (19), and cognitive learning strategies (15). The categories interaction (47), task understanding (19), motivational regulation (18) contained the most suggestions for improvement. Findings concerning SQUARE (total number of codes: 377; 126 positive, 157 negative aspects, and 94 suggestions) showed that students considered the atmosphere (43 codes), furniture (23), and building design (23) as the most supportive aspects. Most impeding aspects include the furniture (40), temperature & air quality (33), technical equipment (15). Suggestions for improvement mainly fell under the categories food & drinks (24), furniture (23), technical equipment (23). In sum our study on the midterm evaluations of spring semester 2022 provides insights into the first courses of the HSG learning center and might stimulate discourses on the future of teaching and learning in this socio-physical ecosystem. References Hawelka, B. (2019). Coding Manual for Teaching Analysis Polls. Universität Regensburg: Zentrum für Hochschul‐ und Wissenschaftsdidaktik.‐hochschul‐wissenschaftsdidaktik/forschung/manual‐tap‐2019.pdf Hurney, C.A., Harris, N., Prins, S., & Kruck, S.E. (2014). The Impact of a Learner‐Centered, Mid‐Semester Course Evaluation on Students. The journal of faculty development, 28, 55‐62. Kuckartz, U. (2018). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Methoden, Praxis, Computerunterstützung (4. Ed.). Beltz. Morgan, D. L. (2009). Focus Groups as Qualitative Research. Sage Publishing SQUARE (2022). The Future of Learning is now. https://www.hsg‐
  • Publication
    Discussing Good Ideas, Bad Ideas, and the Things in Between about Sustainability Education with International Experts – Launching the Sustainability Education Podcast
    ( 2024-06-01)
    In sustainability education, ideas and assumptions exist that sound plausible, but that are at least questionable or even dangerous at a closer look (Siegel, 2024). In this podcast, I want to discuss myths and facts about sustainability education, and the things in between. For this purpose, I invite world-leading experts on environmental and sustainability education, educational psychology and myth and misinformation research.
  • Publication
    From Hieroglyphs to Hyperlinks: Why Knowledge Management Is as Old as Time and Not a New Phenomenon
    ( 2024-06-18)
    Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is often portrayed and perceived as a modern phenomenon, especially in the context of the so-called digital age and the information age. However, the roots of PKM are ancient, extending back to the earliest forms of human communication and record-keeping. This blog post aims to show that knowledge management is, in fact, as old as time.
  • Publication
    When to Bust, and When Not to Bust, That is the Question – A Mythbusting Decision Tree
    ( 2024-06-04)
    Educational myths are widespread. Mythbusters have only a limited attention, energy, and time. This newly developed decision tree helps you to choose your battles and to determine when engaging in mythbusting is worth the effort.
  • Publication
    Episode 2 - Gale Sinatra
    ( 2024-06) ;
    Gale Sinatra
    In this episode of the Sustainability Education Podcast, Gale Sinatra shares her insights on combating misinformation and myths in education, particularly regarding sustainability. She clarifies the differences between misinformation, disinformation, misconceptions, and myths, highlighting the importance of understanding these terms to address the spread of false information effectively. She discusses the psychological aspects of science denial and emphasizes the significance of (healthy) skepticism. She addresses common myths about sustainability and education, pointing out that sustainability is broader than just ecological concerns and involves human interaction with nature. Dr. Sinatra criticizes the notion of doomerism and the false dichotomy between individual actions versus systemic change in combating climate change, advocating for a balanced view that recognizes the value of both. She also tackles educational myths, such as learning styles, and the importance of debunking these misconceptions through effective strategies like refutation texts and fostering an environment of intentional conceptual change. Furthermore, Dr. Sinatra highlights the societal and institutional forces that perpetuate myths and underscores the role of trust and critical engagement in overcoming misinformation. The discussion culminates in the exploration of the future of education and myth research, particularly the challenge of confronting misinformation, and offers resources for further reading on the subject.
  • Publication
    Episode 3 - Kerry Shephard
    ( 2024-06) ;
    Kerry Shephard
    In this episode of the Sustainability Education Podcast, Professor Kerry Shephard from the University of Otago discusses the complexities and nuances of sustainability education. With a rich background in biology and now deeply embedded in higher education research, Professor Shephard shares insights on the challenges of education for sustainability in higher education. He opens the interview by differentiating between education about sustainability and education for sustainability. He emphasizes the misconceptions and interdisciplinary conflicts that often arise when concepts of sustainability are taught across various academic fields. Furthermore, he argues that sustainability education is frequently misunderstood due to disciplinary and cultural differences, highlighting the specific example of the term “competence” which is variably interpreted across languages and national contexts. A significant point Shephard makes is about the ineffectiveness of trying to change behavior through knowledge alone. He critiques the assumption that imparting knowledge will lead to behavioral change, advocating instead for a measurable approach to education that focuses on clear outcomes and the ability to track changes. Throughout the interview, Shephard is critical of the traditional ways universities approach sustainability, suggesting that many current efforts are repackaged ideas that do not fundamentally alter teaching or learning processes. He stresses the importance of measuring educational outcomes to genuinely improve and innovate sustainability education. Shephard also touches on the concept of intellectual independence as a core aim of higher education, suggesting that fostering critical thinking and questioning is more valuable than merely transmitting knowledge. He calls for a deeper evaluation of how universities are impacting students and society, particularly through their sustainability education efforts. In conclusion, Professor Shephard advocates for a more critical and evidence-based approach to sustainability education, one that challenges existing pedagogies and promotes a transformative educational experience that is truly capable of fostering sustainable development.