Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Missing Growth from Creative Destruction
    (American Economic Assoc., 2019)
    Aghion, Philippe
    Bergeau, Antonin
    Klenow, Peter
    Li, Huiyu
    For exiting products, statistical agencies often impute inflation from surviving products. This understates growth if creatively-destroyed products improve more than surviving ones. If so, then the market share of surviving products should systematically shrink. Using entering and exiting establishments to proxy for creative destruction, we estimate missing growth in US Census data on non-farm businesses from 1983 to 2013. We find missing growth (i) equaled about one-half a percentage point per year; (ii) arose mostly from hotels and restaurants rather than manufacturing; and (iii) did not accelerate much after 2005, and therefore does not explain the sharp slowdown in growth since then.
  • Publication
    Firm Dynamics and Growth Measurement in France
    (Oxford University Press, 2018)
    Aghion, Philippe
    Bergeau, Antonin
    Bunel, Simon
    In this paper we use the same methodology as Aghion et al. (2017a) to compute missing growth estimates from creative destruction in France. We find that from 2004 to 2015, about 0.5 percentage point of real output growth per year is missed by the statistical office, which is about the same as what was found in the United States. We look at how missing growth varies across French sectors and regions, and we look at the underlying establishment and firm dynamics. In particular we show that the similar missing growth estimates between France and the United States hide noticeable differences in plant dynamics between the two countries.
    Scopus© Citations 7
  • Publication
    Theory of Falling Growth and Rising Rents
    (Oxford University Press, )
    Aghion, Philippe
    Bergeau, Antonin
    Klenow, Peter
    Li, Huiyu