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  • Publication
    AuctentionAR -Auctioning Off Visual Attention in Mixed Reality
    Mixed Reality technologies are increasingly interwoven with our everyday lives. A variety of powerful Head Mounted Displays have recently entered consumer electronics markets, and more are under development, opening new dimensions for spatial computing. This development will likely not stop at the advertising industry either, as first forays into this area have already been made. We present AuctentionAR which allows users to sell off their visual attention to interested parties. It consists of a HoloLens 2, a remote server executing the auctioning logic, the YOLOv7 model for image recognition of products which may induce an advertising intent, and several bidders interested in advertising their products. As this system comes with substantial privacy implications, we discuss what needs to be considered in future implementation so as to make this system a basis for a privacy preserving MR advertising future.
    Scopus© Citations 1