Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Capturing value from Business Models: The role of formal and informal protection strategies
    As an overarching concept a business model describes how a firm creates and captures value for itself, its customers, and its partners. Although research has highlighted the importance of value creation and capture of business models, it primarily focused on the value creation mechanisms and neglected aspects of value capturing: Until to date, little is known about how firms attempt to protect their business models from competition, which is a critical component of value capture. Drawing on a sample of 24 cases, we explore how business models relate to IP protection mechanisms for value capture and derive a business model protection framework. Our empirical study reveals that the choice of IP protection is contingent on the applied business model. Whereas some razor and blade business models are characterized by a high degree of both formal and informal protection, firms operating franchising business models put higher emphasis on informal protection strategies. Firms running the pay-per-use business model or the multi-sided platform business model apply formal and informal protection strategies to a medium degree in order to capture value. Our findings extend business model literature on novel insights on intellectual property management and also extend the ‘profiting from innovation literature’ on protection mechanisms in the context of business models.
    Scopus© Citations 14
  • Publication
    Transformative Influence of Business Processes on the Business Model : Classifying the State of the Practice in the Software Industry
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2013-01-07) ; ;
    Di Valentin, Christina
    Zeißner, Theresa
    Pussep, Anton
    Schief, Markus
    Fast changing business environments often force companies to rethink and renew their established business model. Often though, decisions to make changes to the current business model are made too late, when the current business is already struggling. One way to overcome this challenge is to continuously monitor business processes in operations and to adjust the business model according to changes in business processes. This paper clarifies the influence of business processes on the business model. Based on a literature review, expert interviews and inductive reasoning, we derive a classification framework for receiving new insights into the maturity of current KPI-systems and their strategic importance with regards to business model changes. While some companies consider the connection as so important that they set up sophisticated performance measurement systems, others rely much less on process KPIs to initiate business model changes. Investigating these differences marks a promising starting point for future research.
    Scopus© Citations 23
  • Publication
    Transforming Software Business Models into Business Processes
    (SciTePress, 2012-06-28)
    Schief, Markus
    ; ;
    Maciaszek, Leszek
    Changed business models, such as induced by Software-as-a-Service, require an effective implementation in a firm's organization. This study clarifies the relation between business models as an implementation of a company's strategy, and business processes, as an abstraction of a company's operations. The presented transformation framework provides specific meaning to the industrial setting of a software vendor morphing to a SaaS model. Both underlying concepts, the business model and the value chain, as a coarse-grained view on business processes, stem from software industry research. The explorative findings cover a detailed description of the transformation framework as well as an exemplary expert survey that can serve as a refer-ence for software firm decision makers. Thus, the study provides profound insights into the potential opera-tional impacts of business model changes.
  • Publication
    Leveraging the Software Ecosystem : Towards a Business Model Framework for Marketplaces
    (SciTePress, 2012-07-24) ;
    Giessmann, Andrea
    Eisert, Uli
    Obaidat, Mohammad S.
    Software platforms in the form of marketplaces like`s AppExchange, Netsuite`s SuiteApp or SAP`s Commercial Platform are changing the way how software and services are distributed, consumed, and priced. Technical innovations in the underlying platforms receive high attention, while innovative business models that build on and commercialize a flourishing ecosystem are neglected. In this paper we investigate the question which marketplace business model options are available to software platform owners that want to commercialize their ecosystem's products and services. We present a framework of ten possible models that is derived from both theory and practice. The options are clustered by the required level of product/service standardization to guide the choice of business model. The framework may serve decision makers as a starting point for their business model innovation plans.