Now showing 1 - 10 of 73
  • Publication
    Enabling active visitor management: local, short-term occupancy prediction at a touristic point of interest
    ( 2024)
    Jessica Bollenbach
    Stefan Neubig
    Robert Keller
    Helmut Krcmar
    After the temporary shock of the Covid-19 pandemic, the rapid recovery and resumed growth of the tourism sectors accelerates unsustainable tourism, resulting in local (over-)crowding, environmental damage, increased emissions, and diminished tourism acceptance. Addressing these challenges requires an active visitor management system at points of interest (POI), which requires local and timely POI-specific occupancy predictions to predict and mitigate crowding. Therefore, we present a new approach to measure visitor movement at an open-spaced, and freely accessible POI and evaluate the prediction performance of multiple occupancy and visitor count machine learning prediction models. We analyze multiple case combinations regarding spatial granularity, time granularity, and prediction time horizons. With an analysis of the SHAP values we determine the influence of the most important features on the prediction and extract transferable knowledge for similar regions lacking visitor movement data. The results underline that POI-specific prediction is achievable with a moderate relation for occupancy prediction and a strong relation for visitor count prediction. Across all cases, XGBoost and Random Forest outperform other models, with prediction accuracy increasing as the prediction time horizon shortens. For effective active visitor management, combining multiple models with different spatial aggregations and prediction time horizons provides the best information basis to identify appropriate steering measures. This innovative application of digital technologies facilitates information exchange between destination management organizations and tourists, promoting sustainable destination development and enhancing tourism experience.
  • Publication
    Business Unit Development: Vorteile und Herausforderungen für beteiligte Mitarbeiter
    ( 2024)
    Scharpf, Dominik
    Viljoen, Altus
    Krcmar, Helmut
    Zusammenfassung Der anhaltende Mangel an Fachkräften in der IT-Branche stellt eine zentrale Herausforderung für Unternehmen dar und erschwert den Fortschritt bei der digitalen Transformation. Infolgedessen gewinnt der Einsatz von Low-Code/No-Code (LCNC) sowohl in der Praxis als auch in der Wissenschaft zunehmend an Interesse, um auch Mitarbeiter außerhalb der IT-Abteilung dazu zu befähigen, als sog. Business Unit Developer eigenständig Digitalisierungs-und Automatisierungslösungen zu entwickeln. Bisher konzentriert sich die wissenschaftliche Literatur auf die technischen Aspekte von LCNC, während Fragen zur optimalen Einführung in Unternehmen unbeantwortet bleiben. Diese Forschungsarbeit untersucht die praktische Implementierung von Business Unit Development Programmen in Unternehmen, um Auswirkungen auf beteiligte Mitarbeitende zu identifizieren. In Kooperation mit den Stadtwerken München (SWM) wurde eine umfassende Einzelfallstudie durchgeführt, bei der die Umsetzung einer Business Unit Development Initiative untersucht wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen unter anderem, wie das Business Unit Development von teilnehmenden Mitarbeitern wahrgenommen wird sowie welche individuellen Vorteile sich für diese ergeben. Zudem wird ersichtlich, mit welchen Herausforderungen Mitarbeitende im Rahmen des Business Unit Developments konfrontiert sind und wie sich die Entwicklung und der Einsatz von LCNC-Anwendungen auf
  • Publication
    Design Guidelines for Enterprise Software Training in Higher Education Based on Technology-Mediated Learning
    ( 2024)
    Sophie Heim
    Mayumi Egawa
    Holger Wittges
    Helmut Krcmar
    There is an increasing demand for a qualified future workforce in the enterprise software (ES) domain, for which students should be prepared. However, due to the complexity of ES, many lecturers lack the skills to practically integrate ES into their teaching activities. ES training must be investigated holistically to address this issue, integrating the perspectives of the involved actors. Therefore, the research field of technology-mediated learning (TML) offers valuable concepts. In this paper, we first identify and present five main concepts of TML performance based on related literature. Second, we present findings from a single-case study conducted within the global academic alliance program of the ES company SAP. The program's objective is to demonstrate the practical application of ES to students through lecturers. Unlike previous research, we consider the students' perspective and incorporate the viewpoints of lecturers and subject matter experts (SMEs) who train the lecturers to create a comprehensive overview. Based on the insights from TML literature and the case study, we present design guidelines for ES training that take into account TML concepts, actors' perspectives, and training aspects. Our findings highlight the universal applicability of TML in the practical context of designing ES training in higher education.
  • Publication
    Preface to the special issue on "Enterprise and organizational applications of distributed ledger technologies"
    ( 2024)
    Zavolokina, Liudmila
    Carvalho, •
    Schwabe, Gerhard
    Helmut Krcmar, •
    Carvalho, Arthur
    Krcmar, Helmut
    In the fast-evolving landscape of digital technologies, distributed ledger technologies (DLTs)—commonly known as blockchain—have emerged as a highly disruptive force that holds the potential to change how transactions are conducted fundamentally and assets are managed. Drawing comparisons with the revolutionary impact of the internet’s foundational TCP/IP protocol, DLTs have opened up new horizons regarding security, speed, and decentralization. DLTs offer unique features such as improved accountability, pseudonymity, and the ability to operate in a decentralized network environment. These features have implications far beyond the initial context of cryptocurrencies, initially exemplified by Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2009), a cryptocurrency that introduced a new way of conducting transactions without a central authority, thus lowering costs and improving efficiency.
    Scopus© Citations 1
  • Publication
    Digital sustainable business models: Using digital technology to integrate ecological sustainability into the core of business models
    ( 2023)
    Böttcher, Timo
    Empelmann, Sarah
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    Krcmar, Helmut
    When presented with the latest statistics on global warming, it becomes evident that ecological sustainability will be equally important as economic sustainability for companies. A new wave of start-ups shows that ecological sustain- ability can be integral to a business model (BM) without compromising economic success. Like start-ups that designed their BMs to be ecologically and economically sustainable, incumbents also need to undergo two fundamental transformations in parallel: digital and sustainable BM transformation. While each transformation alone is considered demanding, we examined 31 start-ups to develop a taxonomy of digital sustainable BMs to understand how companies can master these complementary challenges and provide guidelines on achieving ecological and economic sustainability by implementing digital BMs. We use this taxonomy to derive four distinct archetypes of how sustainability can be an inte- gral part of the BM: Sustainable Software Solutions, Sustainable Product-Service Systems, Sustainability Intelligence, and Digital Sustainable Platforms. For each archetype, we reveal the role of digital technology in creating ecological BMs and how these BMs create sustainable value from an ecological, economic, and technological perspective. Therefore, we go beyond using digital technology to optimise production or logistics or enable remote work and implement sustainability as an integral part of the core logic of the organisation and its identity. For practice, our strategy guidelines contribute to creating a sustainable reality based on digital technology implemented in the BMs.
    Scopus© Citations 9
  • Publication
    Sustaining complementor engagement in digital platform ecosystems: Antecedents, behaviours and engagement trajectories
    ( 2023)
    Engert, Martin
    Evers, Julia
    Krcmar, Helmut
    Digital platform ecosystems increasingly dominate the enterprise software domain, and the persistence of plat- forms depends on the sustained engagement of com- plementors. However, there is a limited understanding of its antecedents, complementors' evaluation of antecedents and the manifestations and dynamic changes of com- plementors' engagement. Therefore, we investigate com- plementors' engagement within platform ecosystems over time. We draw on actor and stakeholder engagement from service research to conceptualise complementor engage- ment (CE) and create an integrated empirical understanding of CE and its dynamics in digital platform ecosystems. Our embedded case study builds on 30 interviews with com- plementors in Anubis and Osiris enterprise software plat- form ecosystems. Inductive data analysis reveals five CE antecedents: platform resources and rules, platform value proposition, platform agents, customer needs and other com- plementors' value propositions. The antecedents are associ- ated with three CE behaviours: generating, networking and synchronising. Further analysis of CE over time resulted in 26 different sequences representing stable and changing engagement trajectories, the latter comprising selective, grow- ing and abating engagement as subcategories. We show how complementors' evaluations of antecedents lead to behaviour changes, providing a novel perspective on the dynamics under- lying CE. Finally, we link complementors' evaluation outcomes to their (dis)satisfaction, contributing to the discussion on what drives and impedes CE. The findings implicate the debate on dynamic platform governance and inform platform owners about using cooperative and competitive approaches in the short and long term.
    Scopus© Citations 6
  • Publication
    Building open government data platform ecosystems: A dynamic development approach that engages users from the start
    ( 2023) ;
    Engert, Martin
    Ryu, Sunghan
    Schaffer, Norman
    Hermes, Sebastian
    Krcmar, Helmut
    Open government data (OGD) platform ecosystems hold immense potential for promoting transparency, civic engagement, economic growth, and improved governmental offerings. The prevailing strategy to building OGD platform ecosystems follows a sequential approach where the OGD platform is built first and the ecosystem is built second, resulting in low engagement. In this paper, we derive insights into an alternative approach to developing OGD platform ecosystems from TourismData, a state-owned tourism initiative in Germany. We report on the phases between 2018 and 2022 and derive four dynamic and incremental phases from which we derive three learnings: context specificity, continuous adaptation, and organic expansion. Our findings have theoretical and practical implications for developing high-engagement OGD platform ecosystems that include and engage ecosystem actors from the start and, hence, take advantage of the generative potential of OGD. This approach illustrates the importance of developing OGD platform ecosystems with high contextual relevance to ensure that data can be used to enable meaningful interactions between ecosystem actors and promote continuous adaptation and expansion.
  • Publication
    Evaluating Task-Level CPU Efficiency for Distributed Stream Processing Systems
    ( 2023-03-10)
    Rank, Johannes
    Pereira, Ella
    Pereira, Rubem
    Min, Geyong
    Herget, Jonas
    Krcmar, Helmut
    Big Data and primarily distributed stream processing systems (DSPSs) are growing in complexity and scale. As a result, effective performance management to ensure that these systems meet the required service level objectives (SLOs) is becoming increasingly difficult. A key factor to consider when evaluating the performance of a DSPS is CPU efficiency, which is the ratio of the workload processed by the system to the CPU resources invested. In this paper, we argue that developing new performance tools for creating DSPSs that can fulfill SLOs while using minimal resources is crucial. This is especially significant in edge computing situations where resources are limited and in large cloud deployments where conserving power and reducing computing expenses are essential. To address this challenge, we present a novel task-level approach for measuring CPU efficiency in DSPSs. Our approach supports various streaming frameworks, is adaptable, and comes with minimal overheads. This enables developers to understand the efficiency of different DSPSs at a granular level and provides insights that were not previously possible.
  • Publication
    Finding new purpose for vacancies in rural areas: a taxonomy of coworking space business models
    ( 2023-04-23)
    Thornton, Nina
    Engert, Martin
    Krcmar, Helmut
    As a result of the rural exodus over the last decades, unused vacancies in rural areas are at risk of falling into disrepair. Given the current trends of flexible workplaces and people returning to rural areas, their repurposing as coworking spaces (CWSs) by entrepreneurs poses a potential for sustainable future-oriented workplace solutions. However, there is little to no guidance on the structural configuration and business models of CWSs in rural areas available for these entrepreneurs. We apply a structured empirical research approach to create a comprehensive and specialized taxonomy, including a literature review and eleven interviews with operators of rural CWSs in Germany. The resulting taxonomy of business models of CWSs in rural areas based on an extension of the business model canvas contributes to the knowledge base on rural CWSs. We evaluate its usability through a case study and an entrepreneurial operator of a rural CWS, underlining its entrepreneurial and practice-oriented purpose. The study addresses several urgent topics, such as the future of work and new work (places), which enable and accelerate the development of CWSs outside agglomerations consequential to the COVID-19 pandemic. It also promotes social and sustainable entrepreneurship and the revitalizing, enhancing, and increasing of digital accessibility of rural regions.
  • Publication
    Why Specialized Service Ecosystems Emerge-the Case of Smart Parking in Germany
    ( 2023-11-25)
    Zimmermann, Sina
    Schulz, Thomas
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    Kaus, Felix
    Gewald, Heiko
    Helmut Krcmar, •
    Traffic caused by drivers searching for a free parking space has numerous negative effects, such as increased emissions and noise pollution. Innovative solutions can reduce these negative effects by providing car drivers with better information via a smart parking app. However, smart parking apps currently do not offer overarching solutions which support the entire parking process. Utilizing a service-dominant logic perspective, we examine why such overarching solutions do not emerge, whereas specialized ecosystems flourish. We follow a multiple case study approach and conduct qualitative interviews with three app providers and fourteen associated parking operators in Germany. Our results show how conflicting institutional arrangements at the micro, meso, and macro context levels lead to specialization. Our study deepens the understanding of how conflicting institutional arrangements affect the emergence of service ecosystems, drawing practical recommendations to overcome specialized smart parking apps in favor of overarching solutions.