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  • Publication
    The Whole Picture : Integrating Site and Network Dimensions in Site Roles
    (Springer, 2014) ;
    Deflorin, Patricia
    In this chapter, we develop a site classification framework that combines manufacturing site advantages with manufacturing network-level targets. This framework is the first step for a company-specific site role portfolio. The framework helps to visualise site strengths and weaknesses from a capability- and knowledge-based perspective. Further, it highlights the site's contribution to the network targets and combines site- and network-level dimensions. To develop the site classification framework, we extend Ferdows' (1997) introduced dimensions of location advantages and competences with the interconnection of sites from a knowledge-based view. We use a single case study to refine the theoretically derived framework. We add to existing theory because we apply a multi-level perspective and derive methods to measure a sites contribution to the network. In addition, we provide global site managers with a helpful visualisation tool.
    Scopus© Citations 1