Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Determinants of Innovation Commercialization Management and Anticipated Returns: An Exploratory Typology of SMEs
    (World Scientific Publishing, 2014-07-22)
    This paper explores the effects of firm characteristics on the commercialization management and anticipated innovation returns within small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Our results suggest that young and small firms tend to be more innovative and have higher expectation for anticipated returns despite their less systematic management. By contrast, medium-sized firms are more likely to formalize their management, yet they have lower anticipated returns. Small equity-financed firms tend to approach a more systematic management of commercialization and anticipate high returns. Mature firms pursue a less systematic approach and anticipate lower returns. Overall, our findings show that firm characteristics such as size, age, R&D level, type of financing, innovation novelty and protection of intellectual properties play a significant role in the commercialization process. Employing an updated typology, this study provides additional insights into the firms' commercialization management and sheds some light on the owner-managers' anticipated returns from innovation.
    Scopus© Citations 10
  • Publication
    Predicting anticipated rent from innovation commercialisation in SMEs
    (Emerald, 2014-05-13) ;
    Mazzarol, Tim
    Reboud, Sopie
    Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between the expectations that small business entrepreneurs hold in relation to the future returns from the commercialisation of innovations, and key organisational elements including inputs, knowledge, culture, strategy, portfolio, project management and commercialisation. More specifically, this research aims to deepen the knowledge of how small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) manage their innovation and identify critical factors determining the potential innovation outcomes. Design/methodology/approach - This study draws on a large sample of innovative SMEs from multiple Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development countries. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered face-to-face with owners-managers or executives of SMEs who made critical decisions for the innovation management of the firm. First, a factor analysis is conducted to identify the most appropriate measures for each variable. Second, the authors test for multicollinearity among independent variables. The final step integrates results from the general linear model analysis that measures the relationship between organisational factors and the anticipated returns. Findings - Findings suggest that positive expectations over future investment in innovation - as measured by the anticipated rent - are influenced by organisational factors, including innovation strategy, portfolio management, project management, and organisational culture and commercialisation process. Conversely, the resource endowment is not perceived as a barrier to innovation and to the development of a competitive advantage. In addition, industrial knowledge management has an indirect effect on the anticipated returns. Originality/value - Despite extensive research in innovation management, the role of organisational factors on anticipated returns in SMEs has not been investigated to date. The study provides researchers with new insights into the resource-based view and the theory of entrepreneurial rent from the perspective of innovation management. The findings offer guidance to managers as to potential success factors in enhancing the rent, but also reflect entrepreneurial optimism in the management of innovation.
    Scopus© Citations 8
  • Publication
    Commercialisation Management and Anticipated Returns: : A typology of Innovative SMEs
    (ICSB, 2012-06-10) ;
    Mazzarol, Tim
    Reboud, Sophie
    This study presents a typology of innovative small to medium size enterprises (SMEs) based on their anticipated returns to an investment in the commercialisation of an innovation. A large multi-country sample was surveyed in relation to the process of commercialisation. A discriminant analysis identified four distinct groups based on their anticipated returns from the innovation, and how systematic they were in their process of commercialisation. The findings suggest that differences exist between firms in relation to age, size, R&D intensity, preference for project financing, treatment of intellectual property and the novelty of the innovation. Younger firms were more likely to have higher anticipated innovation returns, but a less systematic commercialisation processes. Adolescent firms were more systematic and more optimistic over returns. However, as firms matured and increased in size their commercialisation process became more systematic, but their anticipated returns more subdued. Older firms were both unsystematic and anticipating low returns.
  • Publication
    The Determinants of Innovation Rent
    (ICSB International Council for Small Business, 2011-06-15) ; ;
    Mazzarol, Tim
    Reboud, Sophie
    This study investigates the relationship between key organizational elements (inputs, knowledge management, innovation strategy, portfolio management, project management, and commercialization), business planning and the innovation rent. In order to deepen the understanding of innovation management in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), a strategic comprehensive perspective on innovation is adopted in examining both high and low-tech enterprises from various industries. This study provides new evidence and insights for researchers and practitioners. The empirical results from 522 SMEs show that knowledge management, innovation strategy, business planning, portfolio management, project management and commercialization, have a positive, significant relationship with RENT. Conversely, inputs or resource endowment is not perceived a barrier to innovation and the development of a competitive advantage.