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Das Analyseraster für Erklärvideokanäle auf YouTube (AEY) domänenspezifisch angepasst: Ein systematischer Blick auf geographische Erklärvideokanäle und ihre Erklärvideos

2023-11 , Sebastian Streitberger , Stefan T. Siegel , Leonie Schneider , Julia von Dall’Armi

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2021 , Matthes, Eva , Siegel, Stefan T. , Heiland, Thomas , Matthes, Eva , Siegel, Stefan T. , Heiland, Thomas

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MrWissen2go, simpleclub und Co. auf dem Prüfstand: Eine explorative Analyse von ausgewählten Anbietenden schulbezogener Erklärvideos auf YouTube

2021 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Streitberger, Sebastian , Heiland, Thomas , Matthes, Eva , Siegel, Stefan T. , Heiland, Thomas

Although there is research from different disciplines on educational videos (e.g., regarding their quality or their recipients), these studies usually neglect the platforms where these videos are offered and the people/institutions responsible for these channels. In this paper, we consequently present an explorative study in which we analyzed YouTube channels that offer educational videos primarily for German school students and teachers. In a multi-step process, we selected 11 channels for the study and developed an instrument that allowed for a criteria-based, comparative analysis of those channels. Results reveal substantial differences between the examined channels with regard to their performance, monetization, transparency, advertisement, staff, target groups, and quality management. The findings as well as the limitations and strengths of the study are discussed. The investigation of a larger number of explanatory video channels in follow-up studies could provide additional insights and increase the generalizability of the findings. |

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Subjektive Theorien – ein vergessener Aspekt individueller Professionalisierung von elementarpädagogischen Fachkräften?

2020 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Textor, Martin R. , Bostelmann, Antje

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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): What else? Why (not)? How to?

2023 , Stefan T. Siegel , Josef Buchner , Christian F. Freisleben-teutscher , Judith Hüther , Iris Neiske , Karsten Morisse , Ricarda T.d. Reimer

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) involves the scholarly study by educators of their own teaching or student learning and sharing their insights with others. Why is it even necessary to study one's teaching with SoTL? How is it done? What pitfalls should I avoid? These questions are the focus of this paper. First, the background of the concept, (ideal) typical forms, and the potentials and limitations of SoTL projects are discussed and illustrated with a current example.

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Förderung der Professionalität im Umgang mit Bildungsmedien: Einblick in ein Seminar zur Analyse und Evaluation von Lehr-/Lernvideos für den Einsatz im Unterricht

2021 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Hensch, Ines , Matthes, Eva , Siegel, Stefan T. , Heiland, Thomas

In this article we give insight into the remote learning course Analysis and Evaluation of Educational Media: a closer look at instructional videos. Embedded in teacher training, this course focuses on fostering (prospective) teachers’ professionalism in dealing with instructional videos: future teachers should be enabled to adequately analyze, select, produce and use videos in formal educational settings. Using the approach design thinking and the professional knowledge of educational media that the students have acquired throughout the interdisciplinary course we encouraged the participants to develop lesson plans in which instructional videos play a central role. By doing that we link theory and practice. Furthermore, we describe the goals and content of the remote learning lessons as well as their theoretical foundation. The discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the course and an outlook on its further development conclude the paper. |

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Wie wollen wir in Zukunft Wissenschaft betreiben?

2020 , Daumiller, Martin , Siegel, Stefan T. , Siegel, Stefan T. , Daumiller, Martin

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Auf der Suche nach erziehungswissenschaftlichen Theorien in Einführungswerken der Erziehungswissenschaft

2022-05 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Balcke, Dörte , Benecke, Jackob , Richter, Andrea , Schmid, Michaela , Schulz-Gade, Herwig

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Qualitätskriterien für Lehr-/Lernvideos aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive: Ein systematisches Review

2021 , Siegel, Stefan T. , Hensch, Ines , Matthes, Eva , Siegel, Stefan T. , Heiland, Thomas

There is a significant rise in the use of instructional videos in informal as well as formal educational settings. This article describes what the contributors to the edited volume Lehrvideos – das Bildungsmedium der Zukunft? Erziehungswissenschaftliche und fachdidaktische Perspektiven consider to be quality criteria for instructional videos. The results are based on a preregistered systematic review of 19 chapters of the named edited volume. All passages in which the authors mentioned or described (quality) criteria for instructional videos were analyzed using qualitative text analysis. Results were documented and summarized in a matrix that covers quality criteria for instructional videos from an interdisciplinary perspective. The developed matrix can be used to adequately analyze, select, produce and use videos in formal educational settings. Besides, it can stimulate further research on the quality of instructional videos.

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Open Science als Antwort auf die Glaubwürdigkeitskrise der Wissenschaft

2020 , Schönbrodt, Felix , Siegel, Stefan T. , Daumiller, Martin , Siegel, Stefan T. , Daumiller, Martin